

//The dpkg :

----dpkg -i<====> install

----dpkg -LShow info about this APP

----dpkg -rRemove

----dpkg --list Show all installed APPs

//The apt :

----apt-get installinstall an app from sources.list

----apt update update the info about sources.list

----apt upgrade update the Apps

----apt-get --purge remove---->remove an app which named 'name'

----apt --fix-broken install deal with the broken

----apt -f install -y same with that

----apt-get removeremove but keep settings and files

//The Files:

----ls show the list of files

----cdjump to this file whose name is 'file's name'

----cd -L jump back to 'home'

----cp file's_name_1 /way.../end of the way copy file_1 to way_2

//The 'grub->':


----set root = (hdx,y)


----sources.list -------> /etc/apt/sources.list

----Fonts -------> /usr/share/fonts

未经允许不得转载:主机测评网 » ubuntu20.04常用命令有哪些
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